Wednesday, April 29, 2020

What Indians should know about Ramdhan

Ramdhan : what people of all faiths should know

Khurshid Imam

Ramdhan is the name of a month as per arabic calendar.
It is a month of piety wherein spirituality prevails.
In this month - Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset.

Revelation of Holy Quran - the antim granth of ishwar - started in this month. This makes Ramdhan a very sacred month.
During fasting - its prohibited to eat, drink or engage in any sinful activity.

"O believers of God! Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you, that you may (learn) self-restraint". Quran 2:183

Prophet Muhammad said – “Verilyy, fasting is not only from eating and drinking. Rather, fasting is from vanity and obscenity. If someone abuses you or acts foolish against you, then say: Indeed, I am fasting”.

Fasting is a way to control and train our thoughts, desires and actions.

Remember: fasting is neither feasting nor starving.

The craze of being hungry for the love of God can only be experienced, it can’t be explained.  😊

Quran tells that 3 outputs are expected from fasting:
a. To develop God consciousness or love of God [by refraining from sins]. Quran 2:183
b. To be thankful to God for all the blessings [by utilizing blessings in best manner]. Quran 2:185
c. To glorify the creator. Quran 2:185

Ishwar says in Quran [2:183] that God had commanded fasting for earlier communities too.

In Sanatan dharm, Vrat or Upwas is still practiced. It is for increasing closeness of God and disciplining actions.

Three main types of Vrat are :
1. Nitya Vrat – emphasis is on the worship of God and good conduct like speaking truth, staying pure and controlling the senses.

2. Naimittik Vrat – is for repentance of bad karma or getting free of your sorrows

3. Kamya Vrat – is for fulfilling any wish or desire like to beget child, and to become more prosperous and other reasons too.

Bible too speaks about fasting for developing love and closeness of God.
a. Prophet Jesus fasted for 40 days for drawing near to God. Matthew 4:1-11; Luke 4:1-13
b. Prophet Jesus said that his disciples would fast after His departure.    Luke 5:33-35
c. Prophet Moses fasted for 40 days for the sake of God.    Deuteronomy 9:18-19


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