Saturday, September 21, 2024

Be an emotionally controlled person

Be an emotionally controlled person

Be Mindful of Emotional Reactions: Avoid Jumping to Conclusions Based on Superficial Connections

An RSS (Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh) leader speaks at a Muslim event and highlights his connections with Muslims, saying things like, "I have many Muslim friends," or "I love the sound of the Azaan (call to prayer)," or "I used to eat sewai at my neighbor's home during Eid," or "I appreciate that the Quran is against alcohol." These remarks often receive enthusiastic applause from the audience.

However, the problem arises when people become emotionally charged. Some listeners might assume that the speaker has developed a deeper connection to Islam or is on the verge of entering Islam. This can lead to misinformation spreading on social media or in communities, with people exaggerating the speaker’s remarks and saying things like, “He said this, so he must be leaning towards Islam,” when in reality, the speaker made a few general, polite comments. 

For example:

- “Mr. Mohan is studying the Quran deeply!” Iqbal said with joy. 

- “He’s about to embrace Islam,” Zubair exclaimed excitedly.

- “See, Mr. Mohan really cares about Muslims,” Baseer said, full of happiness.

Mr. Mohan may have said words that were true or perhaps exaggerated, but he captivated the audience, possibly to ensure some level of Muslim support for an upcoming anti-Muslim bill.

It’s important to recognize that these connections are often surface-level. Emotional reactions to such speeches can be misleading. 

For example, when Indian film star Aamir Khan went for Hajj with his mother and met Maulana Tariq Jameel shb, a famous Islamic speaker, rumors quickly spread. People began speculating, “Aamir Khan is going to leave the film industry,” “Aamir Khan will become a pious Muslim,” or “Aamir Khan is fully embracing Islam.”

As Muslims, it’s important to remain calm and avoid getting carried away by such incidents. In today’s world, people from different backgrounds often make polite comments about other religions out of respect or courtesy. It’s essential to keep a balanced perspective and not jump to conclusions. By doing so, we can promote genuine understanding and respect among different religious communities.

Be an emotionally controlled person and not emotionally charged person

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