Thursday, April 13, 2023

Repel Evil with Good: Quran 41:34 - Do not misinterpret it.

Repel Evil with Good – Quran 41:34 : Does this justify celebrating act of shirk and kufr? 


A. Introduction

We see a few Muslims joining and celebrating festivals of shirk and kufr. Most of the time, these festivals promote blind faith and belief in mythological characters. usually, these festivals are detrimental to society. As a Momin, we are supposed to stay away and remain neutral. We can't promote shirk, kufr, and blind belief. Why? Because these things ultimately lead to a chaotic society.

Unfortunately, a few Muslims do join and celebrate such festivals. It may be due to a lack of knowledge about the teachings of deen (Islamic principles). Please note - we are not talking about mere 'wishing' for these festivals, we are talking about actively celebrating or promoting such occasions. When you join such celebrations, it is like giving tacit approval or confirmation to the belief behind such celebrations.

These Muslims refer to an Ayah from the Quran to justify their actions. They quote Quran 41:34 to prove their actions. What they have assumed from this Ayah is that the Quran is saying to join / participate in such Non-Deeni (non-Islamic) activity so that your enemy becomes your friend.

Though they might not use the exact words, their mindset is programmed to believe that the Quran encourages participation in such festivals.

B. Quran 41:34 says

The Ayah is clearly stating that good and evil are not equal, which means we have to distinguish between what is good and what is evil. You cannot merge them.

Then, the Ayah is saying to push off / repel / deal with the groundless thing. Please note that it is not even remotely indicating that we have to be a part of / encourage such unfounded acts. You either try to educate people about the truth or remain silent (based on your istetaat / capability), but in no case can you be an active promoter.

How to repel / push off wrong things? Of course, in an Islamic way. The Quran uses the word 'hasan' which means 'in a balanced and better way'.

  • You cannot respond in fit of rage.
  • You cannot respond in a way that makes you a zalim (one who crosses the limits set by God).
  • You cannot follow the philosophy of 'tit-for-tat'.
  • Don't resort to fitnah or disorder.

The best example I can quote is from the Quran is 6:108. Whether someone abuses God or not, in no case you can abuse gods other people worship. The practical implementation of the hasan way of Quran 41:34 is described in 6:108.

We don't have to fight / clash. We have to behave in a friendly manner. We should make dua for them. Perhaps they too will turn out friendly in the future.

Please note that just before this Ayah, the Quran talks about inviting people towards deen (Islamic faith) in a hasan way. 

So if you connect Quran 41:34 with the previous Ayah, you will realize that the context is more about inviting people towards deen and not about joining their faith.

When Prophet and Sahaba fought with evil forces - do you think they were going against Quran 41:34? No. Quran suggests action based on situation. 

C. Conclusion

Understanding Islam is always about understanding the precise balance that the Quran has given. 

There is a fine balance that we have to maintain: inviting them towards guidance in a positive and balanced manner vs behaving in friendly manner.

Not even remotely does this Ayah indicate that Allah is asking you to join an ungrounded path.

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